Sunday, May 8, 2016

Talking Mirrors

In Snow White, the Queen’s mirror informed her if she happened to be the fairest in the land on any given day. I think I would be willing to deal with seven years of bad luck to not have a mirror comment on my appearance every day. I mean can’t you just hear it, “Did you really need that ice cream last night?” “Maybe today would be a good day to call in sick, because, girl, you really don’t look good.” or “Sure you fill out those jeans nice, but three months ago they were way too big. Don’t think I don’t remember?” I don’t think I ever understood why the mirror had a man’s voice. I mean if the job is simply to reflect shouldn’t the mirror be the same sex, or at least maybe gender neutral? I think we would be skeptical of the mirror’s veracity anyway, but as a woman I’m going to doubt any man using superlatives to describe me. Maybe -est should stay in fairy tales anyway. I’ll stick with working on “Better” and leave “Best” for someone else. Maybe instead of glasses Google should look into building mirrors. They could be programmed with a recorded message to start the day. If you look too long it might say, “Don’t obsess. You’re just fine. Let’s get going!” If you’re really having a bad day it could Google “people of Walmart” to make you feel better about yourself. Or maybe they could just list those who love us, whatever kind of hair day we’re having. Mirrors are horribly truthful things, but they only have as much power as we give them. Remember that comment that you made to yourself when you looked in one this morning? It has power, but like in the fairy tale it don't let it rule the day.

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